Life coaching for less overwhelm and more joy
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Hello, Friend!

I’m Em. I’m a wife, mom of 4, disciple of Christ, recovering perfectionist, and Certified Professional Life Coach.

I believe that we create our lives with our minds. And that most of us waste a ton of energy trying to control things outside of us, while forfeiting the power we DO have within us.

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This belief has led me to learn everything I can about thought work.

  • I’ve devoured podcasts, books, and courses.

  • I’ve studied at the Christian Coach Institute.

  • I’ve studied at The Life Coach School.

  • I get coached by others coaches.

  • I coach myself.

  • I coach my clients.

  • I have witnessed the transformation again and again.

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I’m guessing that deep down, you believe that your life is meant to be enjoyed, not just endured.

But are you actually feeling…

…Overwhelmed by all the un-done to-dos in your life?

(and then guilty for feeling overwhelmed because you should feel grateful?)

…Frustrated and resentful in your relationships?

…Weighed down by all the stress and negativity that churns around in your mind all day?


I’ve been there, my friend.
And I want you to know you don’t have to keep living like this.

 I have tools that will help you CHANGE.YOUR.LIFE.
by deciding what you want to think, on purpose.

I can’t wait to share them with you.

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 I used to feel overwhelmed a lot.
Like all the time.

I told myself all day long:

“I don't have enough time.”
“I don't have enough money.”
“My clothes aren’t cute enough.”
“My house isn’t clean enough.”
“I’m not teaching my kids enough.”
“I’m not serving other people enough.”

I had a chronic case of “not-enough-itis.”

Maybe you can relate.

You say yes to more things than you can realistically accomplish.
But you figure if you make lots of lists, get really organized, stay up a little later, and push yourself just a little harder, you’re sure you can squeeze it all in.

And if you keep trying harder, and always just do as much as you possibly can, maybe you will finally silence that voice that always seems to taunt you:

“You’re falling short. You’re not enough.”

Do more. Try harder.

That’s the solution, right?
But what happens when you CAN’T DO MORE than you’re doing???

I felt the *smack* of hitting that wall when I was pregnant with my 4th baby, juggling more demands and responsibilities than ever before, yet with less physical capacity than I’d ever had. I couldn’t possibly try any harder in ANY category of my life than I already was, but there was so much that was left completely undone.

I was collapsing under the pressure of feeling completely inadequate. I knew something had to change.

Pregnant, on bedrest, with a herniated disc in my back, I couldn't do more. I couldn’t try harder.

I felt useless. (Dare I say…worthless? I didn’t know how to feel a sense of worth without being able to accomplish a lot of things. I didn’t know how to feel better without making a list and checking off as many things as I could)

My body was limited in capacity—which turned out to be an amazing blessing to help me begin to understand the power of my mind.


I couldn’t stand feeling so helpless.

So instead of trying to “do” my way out of my situation, I started looking for ways to change my mind about it.

Along the way, I discovered life coaching.

  • I learned that my feelings are created by my mind, not by my circumstances.

  • I learned that I can choose the thoughts I want to think, no matter what I am facing.

  • I learned that I can exchange thoughts that create feelings of inadequacy and overwhelm for thoughts that fill me with gratitude and faith—anytime I want to!

  • I don’t have to wait for things to get perfect so I can feel joy…I can choose to feel joy, even in the middle of real life—while I’m learning, while my house is messy, while people I love are struggling, while I’m making mistakes—by choosing to think joyful thoughts.

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If this sounds fluffy, or trite, I’m telling you—it isn’t at all.

It’s one of the meatiest, most substantial, life-giving philosophies I know of.

Once you start to really understand the power you have within you to think thoughts on purpose, you’ll be able to accomplish things that once seemed impossible.
You’ll know how to take your relationships, your family life, your work, your EVERYTHING to a whole new level of joy.

 As a Christian,

a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints,

I have found that incorporating life coaching tools with my faith has allowed me to love my family more deeply, connect with God more intimately, and serve others with more energy and enthusiasm than I ever have before.

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And that brings me to you.

What do you want to feel less overwhelmed, and more excited about?
What challenges do you want to face with more courage?
Who do you want to start loving and leading, instead of resenting?

Regardless of your past, and no matter what your circumstances are today,
you can feel as much joy as you want to in your life.

And it all begins with your thoughts.

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Oh, and here’s a fun song I wrote.

Listen here, or say “Alexa, play Find the Joy by Emily Ricks” when you want to remind your brain to Find the Joy. :)