Have you ever ordered any of these thoughts inside of your “Mindazon.com?
“This is awful.”
“This is totally the worst.
“I/he/she/they shouldn’t have to deal with this.”
“This sucks.”
When you’re faced with a diagnosis, a conflict, a failure, a death, or any kind of unmet expectation, you might think <<this is awful.>>
It can FEEL so true.
Especially if you think it over and over. But is it really true?
Maybe your response is: “Yes, Emily. This IS awful. This is the worst possible thing that could have happened. I would take ANYTHING but this.”
I don't want to minimize your pain. There are so many things we each face that are really really challenging—physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.
My personal experience, though, is that choosing the thought <<this is awful>> actually compounds my pain and adds layers of anger, resentment, and frustration to an already difficult situation. So of all the thoughts available to me in my Mindazon.com, I give <<this is awful>> a 1-star review.
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